Cooking Class

This past Spring I attended a cooking and nutrition class given by Penn State in collaboration with the Free Library of Philadelphia. Luz, the instructor, is a certified nutritionist and teaches many of these classes. I learned about eating healthy on a budget, portion sizes for adults and toddlers, food safety, and many extras in this 8-week course. I’ll miss my Saturday afternoon lessons. On the last day, each student got a certificate, a fruit basket, and a chance to show off their own cooking skills and share some food with the class.

The students were predominantly Mexican, so I got to eat some excellent homemade Mexican fair, as shown in the photo of the paper plate full of goodies. I also enjoyed a few cups of homemade horchata, by the daughter of the chef and owner of Moctezuma restaurant that’s near the Italian market. This was one time when I was not embarrassed to return for seconds.

I highly recommend these classes and will support this program however possible. Proudly presenting my official certificate:

Along with my new passion for fermented food that was kindled at the retreat, which I wrote about earlier, and the CSA that I’m signing up for that I will write about later, this class was the perfect impetus for healthy eating on a budget. I also took home a few fun giveaways, like this handy fridge magnet:
